Sunday, December 20, 2009

chapter zero - final project (3rd quarter)

If you were to change one event or chapter from the Iliad, and replace it with your own story, what chapter or episode will that be?

Write your “version” of the story.

Narrate how it will affect the entire story or ending of the Iliad

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Opening lines of the Iliad

"Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus’ son Achilleus
and its devastation, which put pains thousandfold upon the Achaians,
hurled in their multitudes to the house of Hades strong souls
of heroes, but gave their bodies to be the delicate feasting
of dogs, of all birds, and the will of Zeus was accomplished
since that time when first there stood in division of conflict
Atreus’ son the lord of men and brilliant Achilleus. . . ."

There were events that I want to change in Iliad but the most that I want to replace are the events in Book XXII, which is about the “Death of Hector”. I did not quite agree on how events took place in this chapter. Hector and Achilles are the major characters in Iliad but Homer overwhelmingly showcased Achilles’ evil traits. He was supposed to be a Greek ‘Hero’ and I believe that Homer should portray his character as what a real hero should be. It was heartbreaking to read through the chapter and find out how Hector died in the hands of Achilles. With this, I wanted to share a version of mine written as follows:

Hector stayed in front of the Scaian gates. The old King Priam and his wife Hecube tried to persuade him to come inside but Hector ignored their pleas. Hector was determined to face Achilles amidst the fact that Achilles is a stronger warrior than he is. He feels he must defeat Achilles to avenge the deaths of many Trojans and protect the city of Troy.

There outside Troy, Hector stood fast and awaited the coming of his tremendous foes.

On one side, Apollo revealed himself to Achilles. Apollo mocked him and told Achilles that he can’t kill a god. Knowing it was Apollo, Achilles was so furious that he turned back to Troy. King Priam saw him coming and once more, begs Hector to come inside. Again, their efforts just fell into Hector’s deaf ears. Soon Achilles reached the gate of Troy.

There stood Hector waiting for him. Achilles is fuming mad upon seeing Hector. Hector sees these in Achilles eyes. He knew that his rage would give him added determination to kill him. Hector started a dialogue. He told Achilles that he delivered the final blow to Patroclus but Apollo threw the first strike at him followed by Euphorbos. These words pacified Achilles a bit but still enraged by the fact that his friend died in the hands of Hector.

Hector spoke “ My dear Achilles, this is the duel that we can’t both avoid. If it is really my fate to die in your hands, then let it be. But like a proud warrior of Troy, I will defend my city with all my might and power. Let Trojans and Acheans witnessed two of their own fight with pride. Let not your heart fool you. Fight for the Acheans and not just your friend Patroclus.”

Achilles stood firm and words in his mouth came “I shall give you a good fight. No blood oozing from your body will be worthless. It shall be a mark of your courage as you fight until your last breath”.

Zeus, and the other gods and goddesses decided not to intervene in the duel. They all agreed to stay still and watched the outcome of a great fight.

Hector said, “ If Zeus gives me endurance and I take your life, I will do no vile outrage to your body. I will take your armor, and your body I will give back to your people so that they can give you a proper burial as their prince and hero. You do the same”.

Achilles came to his senses and replied “A prince as you mentioned should embody reverence for his opponent’s sense of personal dignity. I shall award you of what you want and respect your body once it finally rests on the ground”.

The two swore and soon after, the duel started.

Hector was the first one to throw his spear but missed. He knows that he has only one spear remaining. He throws the last one and it barely hit Achilles. Now it was Achilles turn. He aimed his arrow to Hector and released it. Hector catches the arrow approaching him and with his sword, he went rushing to Achilles to attack him. Achilles knows the armor Hector is wearing. He pointed the arrow at the collarbone that pierced Hector’s neck but not his windpipe.

On the ground lying while his blood oozing, Hector spoke “Paris with the help from Apollo will kill you at this same gate where you killed me. May the same promise that we swore today be honored the same way that you will when your time comes”. And Hector died.

Achilles honored his promise. He summoned King Priam to take Hector’s body for a proper burial at Troy. King Priam further asked Achilles to hold the battle for eleven days until Hector funeral is over. Achilles holds King Priam’s hand and granted his request.

How my story affected the ending of Iliad

The chapter ended as foreseen. Hector died in the hands of Achilles. I did not like the narration of Hector’s body being ravage brutally by Achilles to think that he is one of the major characters in Iliad. My version of the story already brought up the good side of Achilles. It would therefore be clear that Book XXIV can be re-titled to ‘Hector’s funeral’ instead of ‘Priam and Achilles”. Iliad’s ending is tragic but it would be soothing for the readers to know that Hector death was not marked with brutality and disrespect that would have been caused by Achilles.

Below is a movie capturing Achilles and Hector's duel. The movie scene did not really showed the way Hector was struck by Achilles but it's worth watching.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Iliad : Books 13 - 17

As a god, what forces can he control? What forces make him powerless?
What weaknesses does he show in the given chapters? Cite textual proof.
Relate his weak and strong characteristics to someone you know today.

Zeus is the most powerful god in the Olympus. He is seen as the father figure who imposes control over the gods and goddesses. He served as the lookout on each gods and goddesses involvement in the Trojan and Greek’s war. It was evident that without Zeus presence, the war would have resulted more of the gods and goddesses war than the mortals as the divinities takes sides on who to help during the war. Since his power is stronger over the combined powers of the gods and goddess, Zeus can dictate and command them to do what he wanted them to do or else, punishment will be accorded to those who disobeyed him. Though he can forced control, Zeus however renders him powerless to intervene with ‘fate’. This was demonstrated when Hera reminded him not to interfere during the fight between Hector and his son Sarpedon. Zeus believes that it is his duty to ensure that destiny leads its path to who ever it is belongs to.

Though Zeus is very instrumental in manipulating the war between the Trojans and the Greeks, Hera, Athena, Apollo, and some of the gods and goddesses would still find their way to intervene in the war. His weakness was clearly demonstrated in the following instances:

 In book XXIV, he was lured by his passion to make love with Hera such that he was put to sleep, giving Poseidon the chance to help the Greeks
 In book XXVI, Zeus was confined to his own sorrow because he was not willing to take his son out of the battle
 In Book XXV, Zeus finally revealed his plan to Hera to pacify her after he scolded and blamed her for tricking him thus, he was not being able to oversee the war between the Trojans and the Greeks

Zeus proved that he is far from always rational, mighty, over powering; and that he can also be constrained by the same emotions and needs as those of the mortals.

The weak side of Zeus can be clearly seen in our present day. If I may say, this is very true to some politicians holding power in our society. Most of their relatives, family and even close friends take advantage of their position in the government. They do things that are unlawful and yet, these politicians would use their power to get them off the hook. Justice, most of the time is not served to those who deserves it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Book VI - X of Illiad

Create an insightful Character Analysis for ACHILLES as illustrated in books 7-12.
  • What kind of warrior was he, especially in Book 9?
  • Are his decisions appropriate for a king like him? Why? Why not?

“Hard-hearted man! He does not think of his friends’ affection and how we honored him first and foremost. Cruel man!”.

Those were the words that came out of Aias when Achilles was not moved by their pleas to help the Achaians.

In spite of the tremendous riches and holdings offered by King Agamemnon, Achilles chose to omit the king’s request to give in. It was firm that not all material wealth could persuade Achilles to return to battle.

Achilles’ heart still swells with anger. He believed that Agamemnon wanted to deceive him again. Achilles wanted Agamemnon to suffer just like what he felt when the King tormented his heart by insulting him and taking away Briseis from him.

Phoinix came to Achilles as a father and tried to get him to free his anger. He told the story about Meleager so as to open Achilles’ eyes and heart, but these just fell into Achilles’ deaf ears.

Achilles is a young man with might, courage and skill in battle. However, in book IX, he was perceived as prideful, jealous, stubborn, and immature person. He was considered as the mightiest warrior by the Achaian but his actions made him appeared less of a king. His wrath blinded him of putting aside his concern and love for his people. He did not seam to care at all for his friends and the army battling with the Trojans.

His character as a strong undefeated warrior as far from what he was in book IX when he demonstrated his cowardness by advising Phoinix, Aias, Odysseus, and the rest of the Greeks to sail away from home for they will never win the battle against Hector and the Trojans.

Overall, book IX exposed Achilles weak side….rebellious, immature, arrogant, and overwhelming pride.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Iliad - Books 1-5

Hera’s attitude is a perfect example of “impartiality/fairness/equality in battle.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Cite examples from books 1-5 of the Iliad that prove your stand. Add ImageAdd Image

I disagree with this statement. Though Hera disliked war and violence, this was only true and applicable to the Achaians whom she favored over the Trojans.

Even Thetis, the mother of Achilles, was not spared from this impartiality when Hera tried to persuade Zeus to ignore Thetis’ request to help her avenge Achilles humiliation from the hands of King Agamemnon. Zeus who has a strong bond with Thetis did not did not listen to Hera. Zeus granted Thetis’ request.

Zeus told Hera that Menelaos won the duel over Paris. Helen will be brought back to Menelaos and the Archaians will leave Troy unharmed and in peace. Zeus further added that the two cities will have a harmonious relationship. Zeus informed Hera that Aphrodite also helped and saved Paris from being killed by Menelaos during their duel. Hera did not like what she heard from Zeus. She was furious. Since she is supporting the Achaians, she disliked a peaceful and friendly end to the conflict between Trojans and Archaians.
Together with Athena, they plotted trouble for

Hera’s actions are clearly seen as vicious. She wants to see the city of Troy completely destroyed and she doesn’t care if a lot of innocent people die.

Hera’s inequality in battle was demonstrated when she and Athena intervened. When they saw that the Trojans are winning the battle over the Achaians, they staged an attack to Troy by helping Diomedes stop the raging Ares. Athena harmed Ares who went back to Olympus. Hera left the battle field contented when she saw that the fighting continues to fume between the Archaians and the Trojans.

Though Hera was described as loving, solemn, and majestic goddess, I believed that the accounts that were narrated in books 1-V displayed her vengeful and destructive nature.

Additional Comments:

The Apple of Discord

This lead to Hera's vengance. Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite. Paris act enraged Hera and Athena.