Friday, December 4, 2009

Iliad : Books 13 - 17

As a god, what forces can he control? What forces make him powerless?
What weaknesses does he show in the given chapters? Cite textual proof.
Relate his weak and strong characteristics to someone you know today.

Zeus is the most powerful god in the Olympus. He is seen as the father figure who imposes control over the gods and goddesses. He served as the lookout on each gods and goddesses involvement in the Trojan and Greek’s war. It was evident that without Zeus presence, the war would have resulted more of the gods and goddesses war than the mortals as the divinities takes sides on who to help during the war. Since his power is stronger over the combined powers of the gods and goddess, Zeus can dictate and command them to do what he wanted them to do or else, punishment will be accorded to those who disobeyed him. Though he can forced control, Zeus however renders him powerless to intervene with ‘fate’. This was demonstrated when Hera reminded him not to interfere during the fight between Hector and his son Sarpedon. Zeus believes that it is his duty to ensure that destiny leads its path to who ever it is belongs to.

Though Zeus is very instrumental in manipulating the war between the Trojans and the Greeks, Hera, Athena, Apollo, and some of the gods and goddesses would still find their way to intervene in the war. His weakness was clearly demonstrated in the following instances:

 In book XXIV, he was lured by his passion to make love with Hera such that he was put to sleep, giving Poseidon the chance to help the Greeks
 In book XXVI, Zeus was confined to his own sorrow because he was not willing to take his son out of the battle
 In Book XXV, Zeus finally revealed his plan to Hera to pacify her after he scolded and blamed her for tricking him thus, he was not being able to oversee the war between the Trojans and the Greeks

Zeus proved that he is far from always rational, mighty, over powering; and that he can also be constrained by the same emotions and needs as those of the mortals.

The weak side of Zeus can be clearly seen in our present day. If I may say, this is very true to some politicians holding power in our society. Most of their relatives, family and even close friends take advantage of their position in the government. They do things that are unlawful and yet, these politicians would use their power to get them off the hook. Justice, most of the time is not served to those who deserves it.

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